Single Aunties: The Spring Goddess in You
Spring has sprung and you probably have noticed a bit of an energy shift. This time of year symbolizes transformation and change. As a clairvoyant, one of my goals is to remind people how important energy is when it comes to anything that they want in life from love, money, abundance, etc. Since it is a good time for reflection and renewal, let’s look to the goddess energy flow to help us get into the spring glow.
This season, react your divine feminine power by conjuring up some of the spring goddesses so that you can get the most out of spring. If you look up the word goddess, you will find various definitions. It is a woman of beauty, grace, charm, super natural powers, and many other attributes. Basically, a goddess is hard to define because she has so many layers of deliciousness to offer to the world. This is also who you are, so embrace it so that you can rock it.
Let the following goddesses inspire you this spring to be your own goddess or whatever you want to call yourself. Fertility and birth is a common theme with all of them—empower yourself as an aunt to define what that means for you. Remember that you can use fertility and birth spring energy as your Savvy Auntie superpower on a nephew or niece. A goddess does things on her own terms and loves every minute of it.
Meet the Spring Goddesses:
Ostara is the goddess that Easter is named after and she represents rebirth and fertility. Next time your niece or nephew asks you why there are bunnies and chicks during this season, let them know about Ostara. The folklore states that Ostara saved a wounded bird by transforming it into a hare that still kept the ability to lay eggs. Now the eggs at Easter time represent a gift to Ostara. This is a lovely story to have for the little ones if they want to know why they were looking for eggs and eating chocolate bunnies.
Konohanasakuya-hime is a Japanese goddess for spring, known as the “lady who makes the trees bloom,” and the goddess of Mount Fuji. There are shrines built for the goddess located at Mount Fuji since it is believed that she stops the mountain from erupting. You can incorporate her energy of making things blossom by starting any project that you have been putting off. It’s a wonderful time to plant the seeds of your goals and dreams so that they can blossom.
Artio is the Swiss bear Goddess who lives in the Swiss alps, hibernates during the winter, then returns to announce the beginning of spring and share her fruit. This goddess is all about spring, abundance, and providence. Those are three delicious attributes to focus on and apply to your everyday life. What you think about, you bring about. It will assist you in manifesting what your heart desires.
Photo: marin
Published: April 9, 2013