Art Smock

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
Whether at school or at home, your budding artist should have an art smock they can wear in style. We think a DIY children's art smock is so crafty auntie! Of course not all aunts are sewers so we'll do it the easy way. Here's how:
What You'll Need:
A solid colored children's fabric apron
Fabric marker
Fabric paint
Fun Patches
Here's How:
Cover your crafting surface with old newspaper.
Using a fabric marker, outline your niece or nephew's name, or another appropriate words (their nickname, "Mandy's Masterpiece," "Aiden's Art, etc). You can also outline shapes or images the child will love. Make sure to leave room for the patches you want to include.
You may want to do this in advance as kids lose patience when they are excited.
Help them color in the letters and shapes with fabric paint (or continue using the fabric markers to be a little less messy)
Iron on the patches per instructions, or cheat your way through by attaching velcro strips to the apron and backs of the patches and attach the patches that way. This is also a great idea if siblings want to trade patches.
Remember, it doesn't need to be perfect!