Creating Storybooks

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
by Christina Strong
Why buy a storybook for your niece or nephew when you can create one?
Story time can be a treasured moment between you and your nieces and
nephews, but helping them to develop their own storybook and then
reading it together can be even more rewarding. Creating a storybook
with your nieces and nephews is simple; all you need are blank sheets of
unlined paper, crayons, and an imagination.
Sit down with your nieces and nephews and ask them to create a story
of their own: it can be anything they want, from fantasy to mystery.
The idea is just to get them to create a story they would like to read.
Once they have come up with a story, tell them to tell you the story and
you will write it down. Write down everything they tell you on blank
unlined sheets of paper. Once the words are written down, have them draw
the pictures using their crayons to accompany each page in the book and
to create the cover with their name on it. Make sure you encourage them
to be creative; this is their book after all.
Once they have created their pictures, use a report cover to hold
and protect the pages and also to allow you and your nieces and nephews
to view the pictures and written portions at the same time. Create more
than one storybook until they have a library of their own books. Not
only will they enjoy reading, they will enjoy their new-found title:
Happy Reading!
Published: November 22, 2011