Chapter Book on Girl Bullies in Elementary School
GWENDOLYN CLAIRE VS.THE FOXFIELD FOUR, a middle grade chapter book, addresses the issue of girl bullies in the middle grades of elementary school.
As an educator with almost 35 years of experience in both elementary and high school, I began writing about children's issues upon my retirement. Bullying had been a topic I had been addressing on a daily basis in all the schools in which I had taught during my career before "dealing with bullying" was "in vogue."
Inspired by the children who have always been paramount in my life and career: my daughter, my students, my grandchildren and step-grandchildren, my nephews and great-nieces and nephews; I continue to focus on topics that are not only of interest to children, but that also need to be addressed for the welfare of the child.
GC vs. the FF is not only a fun read for children ages 8-11, but also an excellent resource for families and educators who are looking for a book to assist them in helping a child who is being bulllied or even a bully herself. To find out more, read some of the book and reviews, or to purchase the book, please visit my website:
Virginia Pulitzer
Author, Auntie, etc.