Dear Savvy Auntie,

My nephew was placed in foster care almost 3 weeks ago. He's literally like my own child and I'm devastated. I typically call him every night to chit chat. I now have to have permission to call him Sundays for 15 minutes at a time.

His parents aren't together and clearly aren't capable of caring for him. I've hired a lawyer and am trying to get placement with me and/or guardianship.

I just want to hear from some aunts who have been where I am. Do any have nephews or nieces in foster care? Any Aunties that have custody or guardianship? How did/do you deal? I'm an emotional roller coaster!

Please and thank you! Love this community! <3

Nephew in Foster Care

Dear Nephew in Foster Care,

I am so sorry to hear your situation. I do not know any aunties who have a niece or nephew in foster care, but I am sure you have a great deal of sympathy and understanding from the Savvy Auntie community.

I suggest you contact your local representative and request a meeting with them and seek their help and advice. Also, speak with Child Protective Services. They are very involved in these situations. Ask them to expand your communications with your nephew.

You could research the many successful people who have lived in foster homes and learn of their experiences.

I hope this is helpful and gives you some comfort.

I wish you luck,
Natalie Garfield

Homepage photo: Napatcha
Published: February 23, 2017

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