This Song Was Magically Engineered to Make Any Baby Happy

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Savvy Auntie Writers
We've all been there. A fussy baby niece or nephew whom we just can't cheer up no matter all the things we've tried. Thanks to happy reporting by, we now have a new trick up our sleeves!
The Happy Song!
The absolutely addictive song was engineered in 2016 by the "brilliantly talented musician" Imogen Heap, child psychologist Caspar
Addyman and music psychologist Lauren Stewart from Goldsmiths Department
of Music. These happy baby makers were brought
together by C&G baby club UK to produce a song that can make just
about any baby, happy.
We've been testing it ourselves at the Savvy Auntie headquarters and we have to admit, it's kind of happy-making. In fact, we've been playing it again and again... You know, just to be sure.
Listen for yourselves! And next time your nieces and nephews are little cranky - or anyone is - press play. We dare them all not to smile!
By the way - if you're curious about how the song was developed, check out the Making Of video!
Photo: ITLPhoto
Published: March 8, 2017