Concert Savvy Aunties
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
by Veronica Spettmann
Do you love listening to heavy music
with your nieces and nephews or going to particularly wild concerts with
them? Or do you wish you could take them to see some of your favorite
bands in concert, but are just too afraid that they aren’t old enough? I
was lucky enough to spend an evening at a metal show with my
niece-by-choice and her parents recently, and I realized that a lot of
Aunties may not bring their younger nieces and nephews to cool shows
like that because of the obvious concerns surround that kind of
environment. Here are some pointers to put your mind at rest so you can
enjoy your favorite bands together, no matter what the volume.
If you're afraid a show or concert may not be appropriate for your nieces and nephews, there are a few things to consider. Of
course, this is primarily up to the discretion of your nieces’ and
nephews’ parents. Their word is law, and if they deem a show to be
inappropriate, then you’ll have to respect that decision. However, if
Mom and Dad say you’re okay to go, then there are a couple of things you
should keep in mind.
Will there be mosh pits at this show? - A lot of rock and metal
bands have mosh pits and crowd surfers at their shows, which is all fine
and fun, but could be a hazardous nightmare for kids. If you want to
be close to the stage, be prepared to act as a human shield for them.
If that doesn’t appeal to you, consider getting a spot further from the
stage; this will keep them out of harm’s way and will also be safer for
their hearing.
Does this particular artist curse a lot? - If the answer is yes, you
can either choose to take your nieces and nephews to another show, or
you can make it very clear to them before you go that some words are
completely inappropriate and that they should not repeat them if they
hear them. Aunties are a great influence on their nieces and nephews,
so they’ll listen to you. If your nieces and nephews are really young,
they may not even know what most of the lyrics mean, so you won’t have
to worry too much.
Do your nieces and nephews handle crowds well? - If not, consider
taking them to see less popular bands where there will be smaller
crowds, or try to find another way to share your musical passions that
will involve fewer people. If your nieces and nephews love the
excitement of being surrounded by people, then rock on! Just be careful
to keep your nieces and nephews close to you and to have a back-up plan
should you be separated from each other.
Should you be concerned for your nieces' and nephews' hearing? -,
a great reference for kids and adults alike explains that the volume at
concerts is high enough to cause temporary hearing damage or hearing
loss. Most Aunties have probably experienced this at some point: that
feeling that you are wearing earmuffs after a show when you aren’t
actually. The same happens to kids, though extended exposure to volumes
like that can cause serious permanent hearing loss for your nieces and
nephews. If you want to bring your nieces and nephews to those
bass-filled hip-hop shows or to a blaring loud metal concert, consider
providing them with earplugs to protect their hearing. There are even
custom earplugs for musicians or frequent show-goers! And don’t worry,
these shows are loud enough that your nieces and nephews won’t have any
trouble hearing and enjoying the show.
Don’t let concerns like these get in the way of enjoying a
rockin’ show with your younger nieces and nephews. As long as you’re
safe, well-informed, and stay close to your nieces and nephews, these
concerts and shows can be a great way to bond with your favorite kids in
the world. You’ll also be the coolest Auntie around!
Published: November 30, 2011