6 Best Apps For Busy Aunties

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Guest Expert Paula Rizzo
Paula Rizzo is the founder of ListProducer.com.
She's also an Emmy Award winning television producer and attributes
much of her success to her compulsive list making. She makes a list
about anything and started ListProducer.com to help others become more organized, focused and efficient, while being less stressed.
I make lists about everything. It helps me to stay organized and focused. Without them I wouldn’t be able to keep track of everything I need to do at work and at home. Apps can help too. They are designed to make our lives easier by helping us get right to what we need to do. Here’s my list of apps for busy aunts:
An easy way to manage to-dos, like planning your niece’s or nephew’s birthday party, and sharing them with people who can help you check off everything on the list (e.g. the uncle who offered to help too!). The adorable octopus will gently nudge you to get all your tasks accomplished. This is a list maker’s dream.
This app helps you remember everything and anything. You can keep lists, your niece’s favorite websites, photos of your nephew, and recordings. The best part about it is that it synchronizes to your desktop so you can make changes anywhere.
Grocery IQ
Make a grocery list wherever you are – whenever you remember what you need. You can add items by simply scanning a barcode as well. It will match up with your desktop, make favorites lists and creates lists for multiple stores. Now you’ll never forget the name of your niece’s favorite cereal!
Includes color photos of member-reviewed recipes. You can pick recipes by occasion, cuisine, ingredients, method and time required. If you get the “pro” version ($2.99) you can save your favorites in your recipe box and organize shopping lists. Now that “baking day with Auntie” will be perfectly organized!
This iPhone app allows you to move all your loyalty cards, reward cards and membership cards from your wallet to your phone. This saves time because you don’t have to search for all of those little cards at checkout. They are just one touch away. Now you’ll know exactly where those toy-store loyalty points are.
An amazing way to get more done by reliable people. Name your price and your task and one of the qualified “Task Rabbits” will help you get just about anything done. Need your laundry done? A birthday cake picked up for your nephew? A Task Rabbit will do it for you! Easy!
Published: January 6, 2012