Savvy and Single Aunties: Got Love?
Yolanda Shoshana “Shoshi” is a courtesan coachTM, seduction alchemist, and clairvoyant. She is also a popular expert on radio and television shows for seduction, love, sex, aphrodisiacs, and relationships. She is the creatrix of Courtesan Candy, an aphrodisiac perfume line and host of the radio show by the same name on
As soon as January 1st hit, the Valentine’s Day chocolates and stuffed animals appeared, which had single women around the globe collectively saying “No.” Just when you were on a holiday high from quality time with your family and getting hugs and kisses from your niece or nephew, you feel like you have become a spokesperson for being single overnight.
February is an interesting month. The whole month is centered on love, not just Valentine’s Day. It tends to be a challenging month for singles because the messages focus on being in a relationship.
During one of my clairvoyant readings with a single woman, she questioned where she should live. Her worry was that she did not want to end up like all the single women in her area. I reminded her that being married does not guarantee happiness. I have married clients who are miserable and single clients who are thrilled for being single. As they say, “The grass is always greener on the other side,” but it still needs to be mowed. What it comes down to is how much you love yourself.
As a clairvoyant, it is interesting to look at people’s energy when it comes to love. It tends to be an area that is either neglected or the area that causes the most stress. The best way to attract great love is to love yourself first. That sounds so simple, yet it can be the hardest thing to do. Remember to put some attention on self love because what you focus on grows.
Think of it this way. You know that feeling you get when it comes to your niece or nephew—how they bring a smile to your face and all of the love that you feel in your heart? Imagine if you went through the day feeling that way about yourself.
What you give out comes back to you. Challenge yourself this month to love yourself unconditionally. Feeling like there is a scarcity when it comes to dating will not help you manifest the love of your life. Do you always comment on how hard it is to date? If so, you are sending out a signal to the universe that it is hard to date, and the dates that you go on will not be satisfying to you.
No matter the reason why you are single, know that the person you seek is also seeking you. There is someone perfect for you and they are on the way. Trust in the divine timing of the relationship. It is inevitable.
Published: February 5, 2013