Single Aunties: Time to Reboot Your Heart Chakra?
Yolanda Shoshana “Shoshi” is a courtesan coachTM, seduction alchemist, and clairvoyant. She is also a popular expert on radio and television shows for seduction, love, sex, aphrodisiacs, and relationships. She is the creatrix of Courtesan Candy, an aphrodisiac perfume line and host of the radio show by the same name on
Come closer, Savvy and Single Aunties, we have something serious to discuss. You say you are ready for love, but your heart may be sending out other messages. There may be things blocking the way into your heart, so it’s time to check your baggage at the door so that you reboot your “heart chakra” to manifest the love that you deserve.
When we are ready to find the one, it would be great if that person would just simply show up. Once we proclaim that we are ready to settle down, we picture all the love that we have to give. We think about family, especially our cute nephews or nieces that we want to introduce to a special someone. Sometimes it is that easy while other times the love of our lives gets delayed in traffic.
When someone does show up, we have to remember that everybody has baggage; there is no way of getting around it. When we are looking for the love of our lives, it would do us all good to remember that there are people who have left a mark on the heart for better or worse. However some people bring us so much drama and heartache that we are left with enough baggage to fill up an entire airport.
The good news is that you are in control of your feelings and can get your heart ready for the love that you seek anytime you want. When you face all of those things that cause you fear or have caused you pain, you are rebooting your heart chakra.
When the heart chakra is not allowed to heal, that is when you end up in those relationships that are nowhere near what your heart desires in a partner. It is also easier to keep picking the same type of partner that we know is not good for us.
Energy plays a big part on what and who we are attracting into our lives. Our hearts tend to take a beating without us even realizing it. This affects our relationships because we are holding onto the pain, the past, and expectations. Maybe you thought you would have found the one by now or you would have a little one of your own. Instead, maybe you are still in the dating zone or the only child in your life is a niece or nephew. Your life may not look exactly the way thought it would look, it may just be in a different package. That does not mean it has less value.
Our heart chakras have to be rebooted every once in awhile. Dig deeper to ask questions from the heart, to check in with how you are feeling about your life. Above all else, take time to show yourself some love. Take a good look at what you have versus what you lack.
Photo: Sira Anamwong
Published: June 19, 2013