5 Tips from a College Student to Inspire Kids

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Colleen Rowe
We are not only aunts, but we are also often experts, professionals, babysitters, and students. These positions do not distract us from our roles as aunts, but help us to become savvy advisors for the nieces and nephews in our lives. Sarina Penza is an aunt who has used her intellect and experience to help her nieces and nephew grow into outstanding people.
Here are Savvy Sarina’s 5 tips on how to positively influence nieces and nephews through work:
1. Working hard
I believe that having someone in their lives who works and goes to college gives them a positive role model. It’s nice to show them that it is possible to do well in school, work hard, have a good time, and be happy even under stress. As a college student, I study advanced topics, but I try to simplify them so that my nieces and nephew can understand. I give helpful advice to my older niece and nephew when they have school projects. They take my work ethic and apply it to their own lives when they’re at school.
2. Making reasonable choices
The choices we make will shape our futures, but when there are kids who look up to us, we must keep in mind that our decisions might shape their future outlooks. For example, as a model, not doing risque photo shoots is what I have chosen. I model for websites and I won’t accept projects that show off too much of my body. Anything provocative is not setting a good example for the kids in my life.
3. Being Light-hearted, but professional
With my humor, I am able to produce laughter among photoshoot workers, and my nieces, who sometimes attend pre-production meetings. During breaks, we take funny videos that we save and laugh at later. As I work, they are well-behaved and patient. They’re very respectful as they watch from the sidelines.
4. Express your creativity
Painting is something I enjoy and I encourage my nieces and nephew to be artistic as well. At my job, painting is a part of the process for the type of production we do. Luckily, I am sometimes able to bring the kids and they watch as my co-workers and I create scenes and costumes. My nieces have caught on and have taken advantage of the coloring books we have for them.
5. Make time, even if you’re busy
I love asking them what they want to do for the time they are with me. When they feel comfortable in their environment, the older ones especially seem to talk openly with me. I love their honesty and when they ask my opinion about their personal stories. Although I have a very busy schedule, I always make time to talk to them if they need me and to regularly hang out with them. I am their ConfidAunt.
Photo: Colleen Rowe
Published: September 10, 2014