Savvy Uncle Channels his Inner Princess

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Maria Correa
While we are generally focused on life in
aunthood, we couldn’t help but notice one savvy uncle who takes his role
quite seriously. Jesse Nagy
knew that his four year niece was anxious about wearing her princess
dress out to the movie theater to see Cinderella, as much as she wanted
to wear it. What did this Savvy Uncle do to help make her feel more
comfortable? Nagy put on a princess dress himself - obliging his niece
that she could be the one to wear the crown.

Uncle and niece visited the local movie theater in their costumers and got a lot of attention. A picture taken of the pair by a theater employee went viral. "I had no idea," Nagy said. "It wasn’t until midway through the movie my phone kept ringing with people texting asking if I was at a theater in Alabama. I'm not even subscribed to these sites so I said 'what the heck is going on?'"
We shared this story with the Savvy Auntourage on Facebook and received much praise for Nagy’s actions. Keri Leaman shared, “What a sweetheart!! Handsomest princess ever!!” But most aunts had a reaction similar to Patricia Alfredson’s: “I love it!! Is he single?!” Who wouldn’t want a role model like Nagy around?
What do you think about what he did for his niece? Share with us!
Photo: Jesse Nagy
Published: March 25, 2015