Nephew Sean Says: I Love Her and She Loves Me
Melanie Notkin is Founder of Savvy Auntie, Author and Lifestyle Expert
I was wrong.
A couple of days ago, I published a piece here about Aunt Jennifer Connell, the aunt who was suing her now 12 year old nephew Sean for $127,000 for breaking her wrist by mistake when he was 8 when he excitedly hugged her and she fell down. While I did share the response for her attorneys, that this was simply the only feasible way in the state of Connecticut for Aunt Jen to get homeowners insurance to pay for her medical bills, I also shared that it still seemed UnSavvy Auntie-like of her to even consider suing her nephew.
Jennifer Connell shared her side of the story in a TODAY Show exclusive. We'll let Aunt Jen speak for herself in the clip below. But, it seems suing her nephew was never something that felt right for her from the start. SHe was shocked by the social media firestorm that was taking place while she was in court. Her nephew Sean heard about it, too. "Everyone was saying stuff that they didn't know," he said. Mea culpa.
When Savannah Gurthie asked if Connell felt she was given bad legal advice, considering after all this, it took only 25 minutes for the jury to come back with a verdict that was not in her favor, Connell wasn't sure. She is still in shock, she said.
The best response came from her now 12 year old nephew, Sean: "She wouldn't do anything to hurt the family or myself," he said. And finally: "I love her and she loves me."
I'm sorry Aunt Jen. Just like the other media outlets Savannah Guthrie mentions at the top of the segment, including TODAY, I also jumped the gun and gave little room for understanding the circumstances better. I should never have added to your pain and confusion, nor Sean's.
As one wonderful Savvy Auntie fan and follower put it:
It looks like I owe an apology to the Savvy Auntourage, as well. I'm sorry, Savvy Aunties. I was the unsavvy one in this case.
I wish Aunt Jen and Sean all the best and here's hoping the insurance company steps up and pays for Connell's medical bills.
Published: October 16, 2015