AUNTIE UP! Your Favorite Gifts for a Newborn!
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
We asked the Savvy Auntie "Auntourage" on Facebook for their favorite newborn baby gift. And now their fAuntastic ideas can inspire your own!
For some Savvy Aunties, their go-to newborn gift is a book. For others, it’s a blanket. And for those thinking ahead, a savings plan. Some aunts are practical and give diapers, a stroller, or something off the baby registry they know are needed. Some give a handmade gift or a keepsake. And some are happy to simply offer love and butterfly kisses.
What is your favorite baby gift? Join the conversation and add it to the Facebook post at the bottom of this page!
Mary L Cottingham Lands' End stroller blanket... in a dark color so it can be used many emergencies (think diaper change in odd place). Special little ladies always get a copy of The Princess who Grew Down as well.
Kimberly J Scott A book (varies by child/parent), Sophie the Giraffe (always a crowd pleaser) and for close friends a (built by me) diaper cake...
Hillary Anne Kotler A package of diapers in the next size up. A very practical gift.
Yasmin Wooldridge warm blanket, I know the parents get six million of these but a baby could always do with a spare, right? Although I did get my newborn nephew a hand knitted hat and booties from the hospital gift shop. They were selling hand knitted stuff on sale when he was born in January.
Dana Haines Always a book. I never say no when they ask for books. Reading is a great hobby and kids that are read to are often better readers and learn to read sooner.
Maureen Conklin A blanket I made.
Cara Marie Vergeyle A funny onesie!
Katie Jennings A book called "Guess How Much I Love You."
Dené Preston Butterfly kisses.
Adrienne Via Sherwood Something I've handmade
Laina K. Duffee I love giving crazy onesies! I also try to cross stitch their names in sampler and frame it. Some special just for them.
Kate Marie A book with a hand written message
Anna Ptacek A tie blanket that I make myself. I've made tons for everyone I know that has a baby--They always seem to love them, and I love to make them.
Elizabeth Sherrill Something off the register so I know the parents wanted it and will use it. I haven't come up with a signature newborn gift yet
Doreen Marie Plaster of hands and feet!
Stephanie Reist The book 'I'll Love You Forever'
Jennifer Nunn A college fund
Linda Smithson Blankets
Kendall Raylee-Money Every gift I give always includes gas drops!
Julie Bemis I make them a baby blanket handmade out of homespun yarn!
Linda Neesen An ABC quilt
Erica Lauren A bank account!
Toni LaShaun A diaper cake
Dawn Clark A copy of "Goodnight Moon" and "Runaway Bunny"
Lynn Roberts The book goodnight moon
Lynn Hall A handmade (crocheted) blanket
Kathleen Guthrie Woods I almost always give something from the registry + a big package of diapers. I know that pack will be much appreciated at 3 am some day when mom/dad realizes their stash was about depleted.
Join the conversation and add yours, here!
Milleflore ImagesPublished: October 28, 2015