What Being an Aunty Means to Me
By Tara Nelson, Blogging at tarassweetsandsuch
Republished with permission
Many of you might not know this but there is actually a day to celebrate Aunties! Wait, Whaaaaat!?! I know. I was just as shocked when I found out too. I came across this rather awesome news on savvyauntie.com. In fact, July 24th marks the 8th Annual Aunties Day! So, I had an idea which is to share with all of you my journey on being an Aunty. Let me start with this…
Aunthood: it is powerful; it redefines your identity. It really is a state of calling - a calling that is completely out of your control.
From the very first moment I heard, “We’re having a baby”, I began a journey that has been one of my MOST important and treasured aspects in my life. I remember the day when my first niece was born. Waiting in the hall of the hospital, peeking through the doors as nurses and doctors swung them open, the excitement, the happiness, and the anticipation. But yet, I had no idea what it meant to be an aunty.
After what felt like hours, the time had finally come. As I stepped into the room, all I remember was observing this tiny, perfect, delicate little baby. All snuggled in her blanket, no crying, eyes were closed, sleeping soundly as her body rose and fell with every breath. When I held her for the very first time, I remember thinking, how much this baby is going to change my life. From this day forward, I gained the title Aunty, and it has changed my world.
Today, I am blessed to have 18 nieces and nephews (Number 19 on the way!). I have the pleasure of calling not only blood and marriage related kids my nieces and nephews but some of my friend’s children as well. And let me tell you, they are ALL remarkable kids.
My nieces and nephews teach me so much about life. They teach me how to be a kid again and how precious it really is. I get to be carefree, happy, silly, and as all my lil gems know, crazy. They have given me an appreciation for my childhood and have brought out the best in me. I get to enjoy doing kid things again like building blanket forts, swinging at the park, colouring, watching planes go by, building sandcastles, collecting rocks. This world is changing so rapidly that us humans tend to forget to STOP and enjoy the little things all around us- just like children do.
Be the best darn Aunty I can be!
My nieces and nephews teach me responsibility. Being an Aunty has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever encountered. Each of their existence is pure joy. As an Aunt, I am their playmate, their family, their protector, their friend. But, with this title, comes great responsibilities. I have to balance being their friend but also being their second set of parents while they are in my care. I have to find ways to have fun but without spoiling them (too much). I want to be there for them to share in on their life experiences. I want each of them to be able to come to me about ANYTHING. No matter how big, no matter how small. It is my responsibility to be the best damn aunty I can!
That very first day when I found out I was going to be an Aunt, I was incredibly excited! I just could not wait to be one! But, I also didn’t think or know that certain things would happen…
I didn’t think my heart would keep growing and growing and growing. From each moment one of my nieces and nephews were placed into my arms, hearing them call me Aunty for the very first time, or running towards me as I come to visit, just breaks my heart with joy. But, at the exact same time, my heart mends back together in such a way that there are no scars and yet, my heart is bigger.
Becoming an Aunty, I didn’t think I would develop a deeper connection with my siblings. Watching someone become a parent is quite revolutionary. It changed them. It changes our relationship. It is them who have turned us into aunts or uncles, which makes our relationship even more meaningful, provides a deeper connection, more understanding and a special bond we both share. The amount of sacrifices each of my siblings had to make when they became a parent is quite inspirational. I applaud you!
I absolutely LOVE being an Aunt.
Becoming an Aunty, I didn’t think I would be getting a beautiful, new friend. Yes, I am an Aunty, which means family, but I am also something entirely different. I am an adult that has an opportunity to have a friendship with a child who loves me, who looks up to me, who confides in me. Growing up, I remember a couple of women who played a big role in my life that to this day I still admire and look up too. Now, I am on the other side watching these little people grow and blossom. And let me tell you, I am falling in love with who they are becoming.
I absolutely LOVE being an Aunt. It is the greatest job ever. You get to have all the fun and at the end of the day you get to give them back. You’re able to experience all the amazing things about children without the more challenging aspects. It’s like dipping your toes in the parenting pool without actually diving in.
I don’t have to change all the diapers, I don’t have to be woken up several times during the night or deal with the tears, whining and other not so great things parents do out of love. Being an aunty, I get those real life experiences but I also get to leave at the end of the day. I don’t have to stick around for the tantrums, blowouts, teething and pure exhaustion. It is a great wake up call for those who think they have all the right answers because parenting is no joke. It is the real deal. On the bright side, I am learning so much from being an outsider looking in. It has been enlightening, somewhat scary, Okay, a CRAP load scary, but I have to give it to my siblings. I just don’t know how you do it sometimes. I applaud you again…
To me being Aunty Rocks because I am never the bad guy. Alright, maybe not ever but not nearly as much as mom and dad have to be. I will however, “Crack the Whip” if the situation calls for it.
As an Aunty, I get to be an influence in their lives and to me, this is an honor. I have the blessing and the power for being there for them. There are few people in a child’s life that will always be big influences in their development- I plan on being one of them. Realizing the preciousness of our relationship, the honored role that I have in their lives is rather incredible. It is real. It is for life.
Watching my nieces and nephews grow has been insane, crazy, exciting, scary, but completely amazing. Each one, has made my life seem much faster. When you are able to track your days by the constant changes in a little child, you realize how quickly life goes by. I love each and every one of my nieces and nephews. They are all so completely different and incredibly unique human beings. They mean the world to me! They are my pride and joy.
Someday, I might have children of my own but until that day arrives, I will just soak up all the love, happiness and joy my nieces and nephews have to offer.
So, to all those amazing, wonderful, awesome aunties out there, Happy Aunties Day! This day is for you!!!
See photos of Aunty Tara and her many nieces and nephews, here!
Find more of Aunty Tara on Instagram, here!
Photo: Tara Nelson
Published: July 21, 2016