Consumer Psychologists Discover Aunts Favor their Nieces

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Savvy Auntie Writers
Published: October 11, 2017
If asked if you spend more on your nieces or on your nephews, your response is likely to be that you treat them equally. In fact, a new study by the Society for Consumer Psychology found that 90 percent of mothers and fathers would agree with they spend equally on their children, no matter their gender.
Yet, the researchers discovered that parents weren't putting their money where their mouth is. They found most parents “unwittingly favor the child of the same sex when it comes to spending money.” And while the study focused on moms and dads, the researchers also found that that even “non-parents favored investing in a same-sex child.” That means you, Auntie.
We may love our nieces and nephews equally, but when it comes to treating them to that extra surprise gift (E.G.: I just had to buy my niece these little unicorn earrings! She loves unicorns and they are so cute!) our nieces may tend to benefit more. This doesn’t mean we have to make sure to balance out our spending, but rather, be sensitive to nephews who may feel left out.
Of course, if those nephews have an uncle, maybe he’s making up for Auntie's extra little niece-indulgences.
Learn more about the study here at
Photo: kadmy