Amy Winehouse Sings with Goddaughter Dionne Bromfield in Final Performance

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
no secret by now that the music industry suffered a great loss this
weekend with the passing of soul singer, Amy Winehouse. The five-time
Grammy winner was found dead in her London flat on Saturday, with no
clear cause of death yet determined.
Though Winehouse's career was often plagued by rumors of substance abuse and botched performances (she had to cancel
the remainder of her European tour last month after being booed off
stage) she leaves behind a promising legacy in her Goddaughter, Dionne Bromfield.
The 15-year-old songbird tweeted in honor of her late Godmother yesterday @dionneofficial: "Forever in my you always #amy."
Winehouse spent her last public moments on stage supporting her
Goddaughter in a joint performance at the iTunes Festival in London on
July 20th.
Watch video of the surprise performance here:
Bromfield was the first to be signed to Winehouse's Lioness Records, and the two had always been fiercely supportive of each other. We're glad they got to share one last musical moment together.
Photo Courtesy of
Published: July 25, 2011