Jon and Kate: Divorce Happens
We’ve all been privy to the life and times – and now divorce – of Jon
and Kate. Even for those of us who might not watch TV, there is no
escaping this reality-show couple and family story turned saga in the
media. Putting aside our own opinions and Kate’s People Magazine
headline stating that “It feels like I’m dealing with a 15 year old…”,
we of course have immense empathy for the eight little lives that this
divorce is, and will be, affecting.
With recent divorce statistics stating that over 50% of couples that
marry *today* in the U.S. will be divorced in less than 2 years time,
this is an very real and imperative topic for us all, because even for
the un-married and child-free homes in America, we all are touched and
impacted by the lives of the children in our world, most especially
those of our beloved nieces and nephews.
When my friend entered into her own divorce proceedings a few years
ago, I experienced first-hand the importance of supporting not just my
friend’s process but that of my god-daughter and her sister. ‘Jane’ nor
her estranged husband were in no way neglecting her daughters, yet I
knew they were both in completely new territory, and one that was
marked by many emotional mountains and valleys. I learned a few things
were very important as a Savvy Auntie:
1) Listen without judgment.
2) Support the family in any way that you can.
3) Always advocate for the children’s care and concern, no matter
how loved and well-cared for they are by their parents. Even the most
capable and loving parents, when in a divorce, are often over-extended
emotionally, physically and financially.
Do you have nieces and nephews whose parents are going through divorce
or whom are divorced? Do you have additional advice for Savvy Aunties?
Photo Credit: People