JOY is so Savvy, and it’s… FREE!
Savvy Aunties, don’t you just love that look of JOY that you get the opportunity to witness when you’re hanging out with you little nephews and nieces? I do.
Nothing compares to the simple, pure JOY that shines on a child’s face. JOY also shows up in their little squeals of delight, in the skip in their step, and even in the glint in a baby’s eyes as they lay swaddled in the warmth of their blanket.
It is SO important to capture JOY within yourself and in your living, and life, because, guess what? We are DESIGNED to be JOYOUS. Just as our little nephews and nieces express JOY from the seemingly simple and sweet, so MUST we. We’ve just forgotten, that’s all. We’ve ‘grown up’. Or have we?
Well, we at least have grown into the mind-sets and beliefs that often prohibit us from experiencing the pure feeling of JOY, which really is our problem. See, as Savvy Aunties we are suppose to be the spreaders of JOY. Women who feel and express JOY help the world to be a better place – more vibrant, softer, fuller…the list goes on and on.
AND, within our own life, things seem to dramatically shift and improve when we can capture and harness a little JOY here and there. And best of all, in this New Economy, it’s FREE!
As I write this title, what comes to mind is my Savvy Niece letting herself go as she colors outside the lines in her coloring book, giggling and showing everyone what a brilliant artist she is.
Why can’t we approach our love and life with such abandon, Savvy Aunties?
Well, we can, actually. It might ‘show up’ a little differently, but as our Savvy Nieces and Nephews grow up, we’ll help them to see that the lines they want to continue to color outside of - despite the appearance of being SO big and scary - are really… just lines.
I’ll share with you some of the ‘lines’ that I see as common amongst us:
A toxic environment – job, relationship
Relationships that didn’t reciprocate or grow
Beliefs about money
What other people ‘think’
Beliefs about living out a dream
Imagine, Savvy Aunties, if we approached some of these situations and conditions that we find ourselves limited by with the abandon of a child, who simply let’s go of the ‘rules’ when coloring and creates beautiful pictures outside of the lines.