How to Be a Savvy Auntie Mentor

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Stephanie Licata
I have to out myself right now. I can’t really take full credit for my Savvy Auntie qualities! Just how did I learn how to make “back to school” fun packs for my friend’s kids or know about the perfect conversation that distracts an upset child?
I had a Savvy Auntie Mentor!
My cousin Donna is the perfect example of a woman who has a Savvy Auntie PhD. As a child, Donna was constantly finding ways to entertain and make me happy. I will never forget the day I slept over her house at about 8 years old. She had promised to take me to the park the next day, but it had rained that morning. Everything would for sure be soaked, and an ordinary Auntie would have suggested a trip to the mall or a movie instead. Staying true to her word, we went anyway. Donna used her sweatshirt to dry off the slide, and there I was frolicking with my 8-year old self!
Donna, now an Aunt to two young women, is a virtual plethora of activities, adventures, and small meaningful gifts to show she cares. However, a true Savvy Auntie does not limit her talent to the children she is related to. I have watched Donna host dozens of children at her summer home in the north fork of Long Island for the past decade. She can be found organizing S’mores making parties, renting a water slide for a July 4th backyard party, or coordinating full on relay races with prizes for everyone.
Do you have your Savvy Auntie PhD? Let’s use Donna as our guide. You know you’re a Savvy Auntie Mentor when…
1. Kids look forward and even ask their parents to go to your house. Kids are constantly asking to go to Donna’s! This should resemble the excitement of the first few minutes visiting that amazing chocolate room of Willy Wonka’s. (Minus the weirdness and child-eating chocolate river of course!).
2. You feel about 10 years younger than you are! Watching Donna over the years, I learned that tapping into the JOY that children possess helps us to stay young at heart.
3. You can be tons of fun on a shoestring! Donna’s gifts and treats are often simple but highly personalized to the actual child. She’s a master at making the most of the $1 section at Target!
4. You have at least 5 non-relatives who’ve adopted you as “Aunt So-and-So”. I think Donna may be up to about 20 – but her actions give her Aunt-dom very quickly in the speaking of kids and their parents!
Now go forth and multiply! Be a Savvy Auntie mentor! Show other women around you that we have a special role to play in the lives of children. The person you are a Savvy Auntie to today are the Savvy Aunties of tomorrow. Keep our lineage strong and dole out some joy today!

Stephanie Licata, ACC is an NYU and ICF professional certified coach. She is currently completing an MA in Social & Organizational Psychology at Columbia University. Along with being a coach for kids and adults, she is a seasoned speaker, a small business consultant, and the Executive Director of Get Smart Mentoring. She is grateful for the many young people who have ignited and inspired her ever-evolving career.
Photo: Courtesy of Stephanie Licata
Published: February 18, 2014