25 Things to Say (and Not to Say) to Someone Living with Infertility

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Jaime Herndon
This week, April 19 – 25, is National Infertility Awareness Week.
Nearly 6.7 million American women of fertile age have impaired fertility. That’s nearly 11% of women in their childbearing years. And 1-in-8 couples live with infertility – which includes male infertility. Some Savvy Aunties are living with infertility, and most of us know someone who is.
Infertility can be isolating and have a significant social and emotional impact; well-meaning people say a variety of things that can be hurtful, or, they may not know what to say at all. Resolve, the National Infertility Association, developed this list of 25 things to say and not say to people living with infertility. We hope you read and share it to help support and create awareness around infertility this week.
For more information on how to participate in NIAW, click here.
Article title via Resolve
Photo: dolgachov
Published: April 22, 2015