Oh the Aunticipation! Savvy Auntie Delivery-Day Dos and Don’ts
Melanie Notkin is Founder of Savvy Auntie, Author and Lifestyle Expert
Oh the Aunticipation! A new baby niece and/or nephew is on their way! Here are my Delivery-Day Dos and Don'ts.
Delivery-Day Dos and Don’ts
expect to be in the delivery room. That is VIP access only, and unless
you have been Mom’s birthing partner during all her prenatal classes,
you are not on the list as her plus-one.
DO develop an
“Auntie Plan.” About a week before the due date, discuss what the
mom-to-be would like your responsibilities to be for the big day. It may
involve your staying at the hospital to keep long-distance relatives
informed of any updates. If she’s got other kids, you may be most needed
back on the home front to pick them up from school, babysit, and so on.
dash back home if labor lasts awhile to whip up some homemade food for
the rest of the brood stuck back at the hospital. You’ll start earning
Savvy Auntie brownie points before your niece or nephew even gets here!
(In fact, come to think of it, you should definitely bake brownies.)
whatever laundry and housework needs doing back at the parents’ house.
Feed and walk the pets; make sure things are tidied up nicely; put a
lovely final touch on the nursery with a vase of fresh-cut flowers.
(Tulips are a savvy pick because they’re a low-fragrance flower; strong
scents may make a newborn baby fuss. Make sure the buds haven’t opened
yet so they’ll be in beautiful bloom by the time Mom and baby arrive
home.) Return to the hospital with a pillow or blanket that will add a
touch of home to Mom’s hospital stay.
DON’T forget your
cell phone! You’ll need it to alert Mom’s list of friends and family she
wants notified. (Get their names and numbers before the big day
arrives.) If you’ve got a smartphone, use it to coordinate Mom’s network
of friends via e-mail or Facebook.
DON’T overstay your
welcome once the little boo finally arrives. Mom is probably dying for
some sleep, and if it’s the parents’ firstborn, they’re going to want
some quality time alone with baby and each other.
I hope Mom and baby (and Auntie!) have a healthy, happy, stress-free delivery day!
Excerpt from Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers and All Women Who Love Kids
(Morrow/HarperCollins) by Savvy Auntie founder, Melanie Notkin.
Photo: alexandr_1958