Tis the Season for Grateful Aunties
'Tis the season! The last few weeks have been a blur and the forecast is for more of the same. The constant motion of the holidays - the parties, the get-togethers, the never ending “to-do” list (the increasingly shorter “to-don’t” list!!); I am realizing that perhaps a great gift - for all - is learning how to be still.
I know, I know! I write about sports and my goal is for you, Auntie, to spend more time being active with your nieces and nephews, not less; but I think we can all serve the spirit of the year by slowing down a bit.
I noticed that there is a lot of talk about being thankful, grateful, joyous, triumphant…and one would think that the exchange of cards and gifts would seemingly express those thoughts and feelings, but I am not buying it. Really, I am not buying. My gift - to myself, my nieces and nephews by choice or relation, my friends and family - is going to be words. (Go ahead, roll your eyes…)
Who among us hasn’t wished they heard a few more encouraging or complimentary words growing up? (Or a few more now?). Sometimes I imagine what I could have been - could have accomplished - if I had more people believing in me when I was younger. I could have been a contender! (Perhaps.)
Usually a second or two after having that thought, I realize that so much of what I have done came from my need to prove a point - I’ll show them! So maybe it is all for the best. However, as I continue to become the person I want to be, I realize that more of the shape I am taking comes from those I have surrounded myself with in my adult life. I wanted to take this moment to tell all of you how I feel, for the reminders of just how short life is are constant…that things, people and places inevitably change, and moments lost are lost for good. Many of you know how I feel about you, or should. I am typically Latin in many ways, so the need to hug or tell people I love them is natural for me, but indulge me, ok?
To all my friends who share their incredible kids with me - letting me take them on adventures; letting me run, jump, swim, skate, bike, climb and ski with me - thank you. I am honored and grateful. You let me into your homes; share your family with me; include me; and I am a better person for it.
To my fractured family, I love you, and I wish you knew me better or liked me more. To all my teammates from my triathlon team, Team Psycho, thank you for putting me on this path; for encouraging me and supporting my efforts to be an athlete.
To my friends - my chosen family - for always making me laugh and think; for teaching me and for letting me be me; thank you for accepting me as fabulously flawed and a work in progress.
To all the Aunties out there - Auntie Melanie and all her followers - thank you for letting me share my passion for play, my love of sport and my devotion to the kids in my life.
Amy Shigo is a sports journalist.
Published: December 14, 2010