The Change Up
I love waking up in the morning and feeling the workout from the day or two before. We all love to be reminded of a job well done and this is our body's way of saying it. I especially love when I feel it in "new" muscles; those never really used by your daily activities or go-to sports.
You baseball Savvy Aunties may have thought that I was going to be writing about balls and strikes today, but the title is a curve ball of sorts, I'm referring to changing up your routine.
One of my nieces by choice is far more active than her parents; that is where I come in. I received a text the other day from Daisy's mom telling me of their latest acquisition "I bought Daisy a basket ball - can you teach her to play?" My reply was "Of course!" of course. (I also let her know that basketball was one word) I love being the go-to sports Auntie.
Although I grew up with a nearly regulation height basketball hoop in my driveway, I didn't grow up playing basketball. My hand-eye coordination is less than stellar, but I can dribble the ball, understand the basic rules of the game and can certainly hold my own against an 8-year-old who is vertically challenged. Plus, I never say no to a chance to play a game.
With a nearly regulation size basketball in hand, Daisy and I headed off to an outdoor court to shoot some hoops. We worked on dribbling one hand at a time, in the classic "V" stance, from left hand to right hand, and between the legs, around the back and even played several games of HORSE.
As with any sport, playing with someone that is more skilled than you is the best way to improve your game, and in an hour, Daisy had become comfortable dribbling without watching the ball and made several successful shots. Me? I had fun and woke up the next day to that feeling of soreness from working muscles that may have been underutilized. I love that!
Got game, Auntie?
Published: May 3, 2011