First Confessions of a Long-Distance Auntie
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
Stephanie M. Kim is the new Associate Editor at, and a proud Auntie by Relation to Allison. This is her first 'Diary of a Long-Distance Auntie' post.
When my niece Allison was born, I was your typical DebutAunt–tickled, absolutely thrilled that this little human being had come into my life–but completely clueless. As a senior in college, more concerned with internships and what on earth I would write for my final Topics in African Politics class essay, I knew nothing about baby showers, diaper sizes and bottle types (these were my pre-Savvy Auntie days, of course).
But it's amazing how far a little love (and many cross-state bus rides) can get you. Soon enough my older sister was putting me to work, washing bottles, changing diapers, and even babysitting on my weekend visits home. I didn't mind one bit as long as I got to smell that new baby smell and kiss those edible cheeks!
Now, she's more than a year old, and Allison is fast growing out of her babydom and into full-fledged toddler territory. I must confess, I haven't seen her since Christmas and miss her terribly. So, in an effort to be the Savviest Auntie I can be, I've decided to start weekly skype sessions with Allison, to chronicle our Auntie-Niece journey together. Our first was this past weekend, and we spent most of the time blowing kisses at each other while my sister told me about their recent family trip to the park and how much Allison loves to say "flower." She's a girly girl if I ever saw one.
Hopefully as we move along, we'll be able to learn more about each other and spend some real QualAuntie time together. Promise to keep you posted!
Love, Allison's Devoted LDA (Long-Distance Auntie).
PS: Check out that spring time picture of Allison! She sure is full of personality, isn't she?
Published: May 3, 2011