The Early Bonds of Friendship
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
Stephanie M. Kim is the new Associate Editor at, and Allison's proud Auntie by Relation.
Growing up, my cousins were my best friends. Luckily a whole crop of us were all around the same age, so in grade school we'd have epic weekend sleepovers together, go fishing at the pond behind my cousin's house, and play countless make believe games in someone's backyard. And although I can't say these were all happy times—we of course, as kids often do, had spats and the occasional disagreement over whose favorite color was the best—looking back, the early bonds I formed with my cousins were an instrumental part of my youth that helped me realize what it means to be a friend.
Sadly, it doesn't look like my 1-year-old niece, Allison, will be getting cousins on my end anytime soon (sorry, big sis). But as fate would have it, my sister has her own very tight-knit group of friends, who are practically family, that all serendipitously decided to start their own families around the time Allison was born. So I guess you could say, Allison has her own little motley crew of built-in-best-friends, or Cousins by Choice.
One of Allison's most loyal and rambunctious besties is Olivia (pictured giving Allison a sweet kiss above). Olivia, whom Allison adoringly calls "O-ba-ba," because she can't quite pronounce "O-liv-ia" yet, is a whopping four weeks older than Allison, and as you can imagine, they are already attached at the hip. Olivia is the perfect tough cookie to Allison's sugarplum. Always up for sharing sweet treats and unexplored playground adventures (they love eating ice cream and reaching daring heights on swing sets!), I see this friendship going the distance.
Considering how much of an impact my cousins have had in my life, I'm happy to know that Allison and my Niece by Choice, Olivia continue to share such a strong, early bond as they run, play, sing and grow in their friendship together.
Who were your best buds growing up, Aunties?
Love, Allison's Devoted LDA (Long-Distance Auntie)
PS: More adventures of Allison, Olivia and Friends coming soon!
Published: May 16, 2011