Generations of Aunties Past
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
Stephanie M. Kim is the new Associate Editor at, and Allison's proud Auntie by Relation.
Since moving away from home, if there's one thing I look forward to the most, it's a summer vacation. Unfortunately after graduating from college and joining the workforce, opportunities to relax and spend some down time with my niece have become fewer and farther between, which is why I've been chronicling my efforts as a Long-Distance Auntie here, for But for this week, and this week only, I'm thrilled to report I am a Long-Distance Auntie no more!
My family has long-honored the Forth of July as the official launch of summer, steaming mounds of seasoned crabs, grilling burgers and sitting poolside gossiping and eating gratuitous amounts of delicious food together—and I make it a point to travel down for the fun. But this year marks an extra-special family reunion. This year, all three generations of Aunties in my family were able to come together and celebrate our youngest addition, my niece Allison.
Looking back on my childhood, I will be forever grateful for growing up with so many strong women role models (see all three of my Aunts, Mother, Sister, Grandma, and all of Allison's Cousin-Aunties pictured above). And nothing makes me more proud and eager to follow in my Aunts' footsteps than watching them dote on their great-niece Allison. What an amazing and overwhelming legacy I have to fulfill.
So as Allison and I get reacquainted in-person this week, (she's grown so much, and has much to say!) and I test out my newly acquired Auntie-ing skills, I will keep in mind the great wisdom and support my Aunts have given me and try to pass along all the love from generations past.
Happy summer vacation! I hope you get to reconnect with your favorite Aunties again soon, too.
Cheers (Allison's new favorite mantra), Allison's devoted LDA
Published: July 5, 2011