Why Hip Hop May Be the Best Dance Class for Kids

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Emily Shwake
As most Savvy Aunties know, it is hard to keep kids active these days. Hooked on smartphones and video games, kids have trouble getting enough physical activity. After school activities are the best option to keep them busy, but are they getting as much active-time as they need?
Experts average that kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity, most of which should be moderate or vigorous. Although dance class might seem like a good option, a study published in Pediatrics by James Sallis, PhD "emphasizes that although class times averaged 49 minutes, participants recorded on average 17 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per class - this figure varied by age and dance class type." Since dance classes are more popular with girls, they are at greater risk of not getting enough physical activity.
If you are giving the gift of a dance class enrollment to a niece or nephew, or helping them decide which type of dance to choose, hip hop is a great option. The study estimates that hip hop demands the most physical activity with 57% of the class spent doing moderate to high physical activity. Of course whichever dance you choose, just keeping them moving is the best choice of all.
Photo: TatyanaGl
Published: May 20, 2015