Here's Why Some Overweight Kids Have a Hard Time with Friendships

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Alyson Trager
June 21, 2017
New research discovered that overweight children have more unreciprocated friendships in the classroom than their thinner classmates. Overweight children are excluded by their peers and are also more likely to dislike classmates.
In a study by Keck School of Medicine of USC, 504 preteens in the Netherlands were surveyed about their friends and classmates. Students were asked to nominate students they considered “best friends” in their class. They did the same for those whom they dislike.
The study found that overweight children are passively marginalized by peers because they receive fewer friendship nominations. They are also flatly rejected by classmates because they are nominated as children that other students dislike.
Researchers found these results “alarming” because negative relationships are emotionally, physically and mentally draining for children still developing. “Those adverse interactions increase the risk of loneliness, depression, poor eating habits and illness,” reported Kayla de la Haye, lead author of the study.
In the U.S., about one-in-five children are obese. Here’s how we think Savvy Aunties can help nieces and nephews.
Ask about their School Life : If they don’t talk about their friends, they may be struggling to find some. Make the conversation casual, so they don’t feel like you’re interrogating them. They may not want to open up if they feel you are becoming too intrusive. Parenting expert, Bob Cunningham, suggests asking specific and positive questions and avoid using emotional words.
Be Active with them: Make your QualAuntie Time more about being active than sitting and watching a screen. This will not only help your nieces and nephews get in shape, but also boost endorphins to make them happy!
Teach them How to Play Nicely: No matter your nieces’ and nephews’ weight, it’s important that they are being kind to the other children in their class. Here are four ways you can help your nieces and nephews be more accepting of all children in their class.
Be Aware: Overall, it’s important that you are seeing the signs of loneliness and mental illness. Check out this link for a list of signs. You may see something that his or her parents aren’t seeing. Your extra set of eyes will always be crucial in your nieces’ and nephews’ development. Educating yourself on topics like these is the first step in helping your nieces and nephews overcome social issues.
Photo: monkeybusinessimages