Post Halloween Sick!
Sometimes when our nieces and nephews are left in our care, stuff happens. They get sick, they get hurt, and issues of concern arise. The following are hypothetical questions that might occur while you are taking care of the kids. Dr. Stephanie’s responses should be read for informational and educational purposes only. While Dr. Stephanie is a real pediatrician, we strongly urge you to seek professional medical advice from your health care provider when a real health concern happens. And in case of emergency, call 911!
My young niece, who was fine all day – although I admit she was eating a lot of Halloween treats -- just threw up but seems fine now. Should I just leave it at that, or is there something I should do or look out for?
Vomiting is very common and caused by many different reasons. If she vomited only once and after eating “junk food” there really isn’t much you need to do or worry about. If she continues to vomit the best thing to do after she vomits is to hold all oral intake (food, water, juice etc) for at least 30 minutes to one hour. You may then give small amount of liquids, slowly; and I mean small amount! Start with one teaspoon of water, gingerale, pedialyte, Gatorade etc. If she tolerates the teaspoon wait 15 minutes and give another teaspoon. If she tolerates both of those then 15 minutes you may increase to a tablespoon and again wait.
Continue slowly advancing and eventually she should be back to tolerating normal amount of liquids. If she doesn’t want to eat that is fine as long as she drinks. If she does desire food then again start slowly as tolerates. If the vomiting continues and the above does not help her or if she has a change in activity or behavior seek medical attention.