The Lurking Danger of E-Cigarettes for Teens

Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By: Emily Shwake
The National Institute of Drug Abuse performed a study that demonstrated that teens that have used an e-cigarette were more likely to eventually use “combustible tobacco products” (cigarettes, hookahs, cigars).
2,308 ninth graders who had never used either an e-cigarette or a combustible tobacco product, and 222 that had, were surveyed. After six months they were surveyed again. Of students who had used an e-cigarette, 30.7 percent escalated to tobacco product use in contrast to the 8.1 percent who had not.
Even if you think your niece or nephew is safer by using an e-cigarette because of the lack of carcinogenic effects, think again: the risk of addiction is still high.
Photo: JLPfeifer
Published: August 26, 2015