WebWars: Weblings need your help
Weblings are fantastical creatures that live all over the Internet and keep it running. Evil bugs have captured them and scattered their shards all over the Internet, and now we need your help to find and rescue each one! To find the Webling shards, you’ll need to search for them on the Internet as they’re hidden on every Web site you can imagine. Will you help us, Savvy Auntie?
WebWars, the creators of Weblings, wants to help you accomplish this task! Let us know which Web site you would visit to look for a Webling, and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win one of two Toshiba laptops!
Weblings is FREE to play, so once you’ve entered, try it out! Click the big “Play for Free” button
here to start your own Webling collection!
Which Web site you would visit to look for a Webling?
If you selected "Other," please include your website of choice.
By entering this contest, you agree to the Official Rules
Click here for full contest rules