AUNTIE UP! Your Niece's Halloween Costume. Too Scary?
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
On Monday, Savvy Auntie asked its Facebook Auntourage to Auntie Up: "Your 9 year old niece is dressed up as a Pop Star this Halloween, but looks more like - well - she looks like a prostitute. Too much make up, skirt WAY too short, etc. You're taking her Trick or Treating. What do you do?" Many
of our Aunties suggested putting tights or leggings on underneath her
skirt and helping her to fix her make-up to make it more appropriate.
Here were some of Savvy Auntie’s favorite responses:
Faircloth: Honestly, as the aunt it isn't really your call on how she is
dressed, that is up to her parents. The best thing you can do is make
sure her self esteem isn't based on what she is wearing but on the
beautiful person she is all around.
Priscilla Richards: Cut arm holes into a garbage bag and put that over her costume. :-)
Janelle Smyth: I’d make the outfit myself!
Kawahakui: Oh no I wonder how that big hole ended up on her costume.
Hmmm looks like she needs a last minute costume change.
Gidget Strickland: I clean up the makeup, find a blonde wig,
let her borrow my sunglasses, put on her some hole-y jeans, a rockin’
top, a killer scarf, and she’s Hannah Montana.
Julie Bemis: Toning down the make-up while doing something unique with her hair.
As Halloween is NOT an everyday event, let her enjoy herself....and share the candy with me!
members of the Auntourage felt strongly about how their nieces dressed
or not, it is clear that every Auntie wants her niece to have a good
time on Halloween.
Published: October 19, 2011