Savvy Auntie Welcomes DebutAunt, Michelle Branch!
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
by Veronica Spettmann
There have been a number of new Celeb Aunties this season, but none more
excited to be a DebutAunt than Michelle Branch! In two separate posts
on Monday, she expressed her overwhelming joy at becoming a new Auntie
to her brother and sister-in-law’s first child, David Atlas Branch. The
first Tweet went up when her sister-in-law went into labor. Michelle
said, “I’m gonna be an aunty! Yay!!” Later Monday, she warned her new
nephew to “be prepared to be spoiled rotten!!”
As if that wasn’t enough to show just how excited Michelle Branch
is, on Tuesday she Tweeted that she had her first FaceTime chat with her
nephew. “It’s pretty obvious that I’m already his favorite aunt,” she
said, followed by the affectionate hash-tag “#InLurve.”
Michelle Branch is, herself, a mother, among other professions
including successful singer and songwriter in both the pop and country
genres. Despite her busy and flourishing career, there is no doubt that
Branch will find time to have play dates with her little one and her new
nephew. It is obvious that Michelle Branch will make a wonderfully
enthusiastic Auntie!
Image of Michelle Brand and daughter, Owen is courtesy: People Magazine
Published: November 9, 2011