Let's Play, Auntie!
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
There has been a substantial drop in the amount of time children spend
playing outside over the last sixty years. Research suggests that parents’ fears of
abduction, bullying, and their children being hit by a car are all reasons they
try to keep their kids inside. However,
these fears may do more harm than good. Studies show that not only do children
need uninhibited outdoor play-time in order to develop and hone social skills,
but that they need it for general happiness. According to a survey, 89 percent
of children would rather play outside than watch television.
In a story released by womenshealth.gov on Thursday, researchers make the case
that uninterrupted childhood play helps to teach kids life skills, like
negotiating and anger management, that they will later need as adults. Even organized sports and clubs for kids cannot
replace the benefits of “free play” because kids are required to follow the
The good news is that the time a Savvy Auntie spends with a niece or nephew is
often uninterrupted free play as the auntie lets her niece or nephew take the
lead. That imaginary tea party in the garden? Don’t mind if you have a second
cup. Warriors vs. aliens? Well you may gladly sit by the sidelines and watch
your nephews create the awesome battle they win.
Let your nieces and nephews choose the open-ended play and
make the rules. Encourage them invite friends and cousins to join in, as the
interaction with other kids will enhance their social skills as well. Play is
the one thing we can’t take for granted, Auntie. Play is certainly not something
to leave for a rainy day.
Published: September 28, 2011