
Auntie-To-Be Issue 1: Foot-In-Mouth Disease

  • 7/27/2008 7:46:57 PM

    Do you bother her all the time with questions? Do you act like she's got some sort of illness?

    No, of course not.

    But, still, it feels rude to sip your rose in front of her, when you know she's mad for wine. It feels awkward to bring up weight or clothes when she's told you about the dire world of the oxymoronic "Maternity Fashion". And it'd be pretty rude to talk about your latest awesome workout when she hasn't been cleared yet to do more than a slow walk by her specialist.

    And yet, I've managed to do all of those things.

    How do you figure out what to say when you know you can't understand what she's going through? It's a wonderful time - it's a blessing - it's a miracle. But it's a part of life I'm just not at yet, and sometimes I feel sort of like the kid sister watching everyone get ready for prom. I'm amazed and awed and impressed, but I don't know what to say, and sometimes I'm sort of glad I am sitting this one out this time, because I don't feel remotely ready for it yet.

    I hope I'll get better at this with practice!
