I'm not just an Aunt, I'm also an "Auntrepreneur." Follow me as I share the highs, lows and everything in between of establishing the company of my dreams. Plus, get the inside scoop and a behind the scenes look at SavvyAuntie.com
My Blog, which I began a few months before the launch of Savvy Auntie.com, reads like a journal of steps I took to start my company, as well as some tips for the entrepreneur. I want Savvy Auntie members and my Blog readers to know the Auntie behind the site, and the creative and development teams, experts, and amazing people who help me provide you with our best stuff every day.
At Blog.SavvyAuntie.com, you'll learn the latest news about the company, including our latest sponsors and the hottest trends for kids that we get to preview. Hopefully there will be lots of good news to share along the way, as the company and our Community grow.
And if there is bad news, we'll share that too. We'll do our best to be as transparent and authentic as we can be so that you know that this is a sincere company, started by a young Auntrepreneur and her dream. (I know it's sounds a little hokey, but if you've ever seen a business idea come to fruition, you'll understand).
Oh and by the way - "Auntrepreneurs" are the new "Mompreneurs." We don't start businesses because we have kids at home, but rather we start businesses because we don't. If we didn't risk it all now, when would we?
I invite you to begin the journey from the first post I ever wrote, in April of 2008. You can subscribe to the Blog Feed here.
Thank you. And I hope you enjoy my Blog.
Auntie Melanie