This Year's Top 10 Lifestyle & Leisure Ideas
How Do I.... Stick With It? (Entrepreneurs Share Their Inspiration)
Gifts for Nieces and Nephews
Savvy Holiday Gift Ideas $20 Or Less
CBS News Sunday in New York - Holiday Shopping Guide: Toys
Savvy Aunties And Your Underappreciated Customers
Savvy Auntie on Fan Girl Friday
Savvy Auntie Gives Voice, And Virtual Space, To An Un-Tapped Market: Non-Moms... for the Aunt in all of us
The New Power Girls: How to Think, Do, and Live Bigger in Business
Melanie Notkin, with a smile like that who needs a startup?
The New Power Girls: Inside the Hot New Trend Among American Girls and Women
Birthday Mail Comes to Facebook in Time for its Fifth!
Savvy Holiday Gift Ideas for Nieces and Nephews of all Ages
NBC's The 10! Show - November 11, 2008
Savvy Auntie - Web Site of the Week: November 3, 2008
Out of the Box: Are You a Great Gay Aunt or Uncle?
35+ Sites Made for Web Savvy Families
The power and value of Twitter
Conversations with Mzinga: Melanie Notkin l
All My Faves - Savvy Auntie
How to be the Cool Aunt
The Influence of an Aunt
Savvy Auntie Review
SavvyAuntie Helps the Favorite Aunt Give the Best Gifts this Holiday Season
HEEB Magazine HEEB 100 / Entrepreneurship
Auntie hanky Panky
GeekGrls Podcast Reviews
Aunt and uncle roles go beyond standard definitions
Are you a PANK--Professional Aunt No Kids?
Marketers target aunts without kids
Trendy Gift Guide for PANKs (Professional Aunts No Kids)
Getting rich as a mommyblogger without the messy mommy part
Savvy Auntie - It's Not Your Mother's Web Site
A Web Site for the Professional Aunt
It's a woman's World Wide Web
ABCs, ABRs, PANKS and other Acronyms - Melanie Notkin Joins the Roundtable
Melanie Opens Up A World For Savvy Aunties
Girlfriendology interviews MELANIE NOTKIN, the Savvy Auntie
Savvy Women Know Cars
Video Interview with Melanie Notkin, Founder SavvyAuntie
Q&A with Melanie Notkin CEO and Founder of Part 1, Inspiration
SavvyAuntie Launches New Community with Fanfare
Q&A with Melanie Notkin CEO and Founder of Part 2, Tips for Lau
Marketing to Women Is So 2007
Parenting Site Aimed at Non-Parents
GeekSugar : Website of the Day: SavvyAuntie
Savvy Auntie, Unsavvy Arrington
First Online Community (For Aunts) Launches
SavvyAuntie Launches: Everything You Need to Spoil & Send ‘Em Home
July 9, 2008 — 11:15 AM PDT — by Kristen Nicole —
I had the pleasure of becoming a godmother at the age of 17, an aunt
three years later, and now I have five beautiful godchildren and nieces
that I get to spoil–and then send back home. So when I learned about SavvyAuntie,
a new beta site that launched today dedicated to godmothers, aunties
and all women that love children, it was a welcome surprise.
And in terms of resources, SavvyAuntie is far more than what you’d
expect. There’s not just gift and activity ideas, but articles on
gaining children’s trust and saving for college. It’s practically a
parenting site, with the aunt in mind. And searching through all the
resourceful content SavvyAuntie has to offer, the filters are quite
useful as well.

There’s also a community involved on SavvyAuntie, featuring
editorials, blogs, discussion boards, and more. The content found
across the site will soon have the option of being added to your
favorites and subscriptions, so you can keep up with any new items that
have been added.
Connecting directly with other members isn’t yet an easy task, so
the community features are stopped short at this point. But in viewing
some of the options on SavvyAuntie that have not yet been activated,
it’s clear that the site will soon become a more feature-rich
community. Other upcoming features include a scrapbook tool that lets
you chronicle your activities with the little ones in your life.
I think the SavvyAuntie platform is a great network for the integration of wishlist
sites, affiliate retail programs, and even an associated community
where the godchildren, nieces and nephews (and their parents) can have
an online environment for connecting with their super cool aunties.
SavvyAuntie: P.A.N.K. Is The New Pink
Calley Nye, TechCrunch - July 9, 2008
A lot of people in technology, especially in startups, don't understand marketing. Melanie Notkin clearly does. Her startup, SavvyAuntie, is not some super-high-tech website, it's actually quite simple. But the
marketing is genius.
Women account for 80% of the economy. Mothers spend about $1.7 trillion dollars on consumer products each year. But that's only about 50% of women. What about the other 50%?
SavvyAuntie is a site geared toward the other 50% of women who don't have kids, but know some. Melanie Notkin, the founder of SavvyAuntie, refers to these women as P.A.N.K.s (Professional Aunt, No Kids). Chances are you know some women who don't have kids, but are either ABRs (Aunts by Relation) or ABC (Aunts by Choice). These women typically spend money on children in some way or another, but where do they turn to learn what to buy? SavvyAuntie is basically a parenting site for non-parents.
SavvyAuntie is comprised of a social network, and resources like user blogs, expert blogs, activity guides and gift suggestions. Users register and fill in information about their nieces and nephews to get customized gift and activity suggestions, and information about
themselves so that they can meet other aunts (and uncles).
I kind of rolled my eyes a little bit when I saw this, but I have to admit that it's a great idea. When you look up anything about kids, it's always marketed towards parents. There hasn't been a resource like this before. That's what drives startups: find a problem and come up with a solution.
SavvyAuntie Launches For All The Aunts Out There